
The Georgia Tech/Emory Computational Neuralengineering Training Program is an NIH/NIBIB funded educational and research training program in Computational Neural-engineering across Emory University and Georgia Tech.  This is funded specifically through a T32 Training Grant from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), and the program officer Dr. Zeynep Erim.  Starting in the Fall of 2019, the program funds PhD students from BME students on the Emory side, and BME, ECE, BioE, or ML students on the GT side. Student interested in applying for the program can refer to How to Apply.  For additional information, contact the training grant PI Garrett Stanley (garrett.stanley@bme.gatech.edu) at Georgia Tech or Co-PI Lena Ting at Emory (lting@emory.edu).

Contact Information:
Program MPI and contact PI – Garrett Stanley, BME, Georgia Tech contact, garrett.stanley@bme.gatech.edu
GT Administrative Contact – Fadrika Prather, fadrika.prather@bme.gatech.edu, Tel: +1 404 894 3613

Program MPI – Lena Ting, BME, Emory contact, lting@emory.edu
Emory Administrative Contact – Amanda Johnson-Scott, amanda.marie.johnson-scott@emory.edu, Tel. #1 770 668-6291

Program Co-I – Chris Rozell, ECE, Georgia Tech, crozell@gatech.edu,  Questions regarding ECE, ML

Program Co-I – Michael Borich, Rehabilitation Medicine, Div of Physical Therapy, michael.borich@emory.edu, Questions regarding Emory Clinical Neuroscience